Heavy Weighted Rajasthani Silver Jewellery

Heavy weighted silver jewellery is commonly available in Rajasthan. There is much silver jewellery manufacturer in Jaipur selling marvelous and traditional silver jewellery pieces. Silver jewellery is also called tribal jewellery, due to the fact that it is used by tribal refugees known as Banjara. This tribal jewellery is popular among Rajasthani women. It has huge demand in the market, and tourists come from all over the world, interested to purchase this beautiful silver jewellery. Jewellery manufacturers in Jaipur produce different types and designs of silver jewellery such as Upper armlets, neck rings, and mandliya string neckbands, etc. The most prevalent type of silver ornaments is Hansuli –neck ring, Gajre- toe ring, Kamarband –waist chain, Nath –nose ring. Tokariya is an antique tribal silver hoop are famous among the tribal individual in Rajasthan. These antique pieces are easily available from any silver manufacture in Jaipur. Rajasthan is renowned for silver ornamen...